Name: Dan
Surname: Saulich
Age: 31 years
Occupation: personal trainer
Place of residence: Vysoký Újezd
Languages: English, German (basics)
Favorite sports: fitness, surfing, diving, skiing, triathlon, tennis ... and much more.
Favorite drink: water, red wine
Favorite food: seafood, fish, steak tartare, steak, vegetables
Favorite music: in the gym - hard, on the cardio - fast, at home - calm, in the car - it depends)
Hobbies: sports, photography (DS photography) , traveling, movies, theater, fishing, educational books, English,
company (
Sports history: Those who know me know that I am an sport obsessed athlete since I was born. From the age about 6 I started playing tennis, later competitively. I devoted a lot of time of my life to be the best player in the world. I did a lot of other sports along with tennis. Among the most important was mainly athletics, gymnastics and swimming, which gave me a huge movement foundation for the future.
Around the age 15, I played tennis at a higher level but I was not satisfied with my results in tournaments so far. As I was physically super-well prepared it was everything about mental in the game. I've started GYM when I was was 15 years old and there was no game, just my will, determination and my every week impovemts which was really motivating. I was 19 years old and I tought I take a short break from tennis but I never started my career again. I finished my tennis carrer by exams of 3rd class coach. I focus my attention in the GYM to develop myself in every aspect of training and human body generally.
After swallowing articles about strengthening and nutrition, listening traininer's advices, I soon had a quite good foundation of knoledge, which I immediately practiced on myself. As I could observe how my body was responding I was eager to develop further and further.. I consider myself as an athlete and I will always prefer a functional and healthy body over large muscle volumes and gains that is needed in bodybuilding industry. However, I very much appreciate this sport because this is where all the basics of strength and reduction trainings come from and of course I'm using these basics daily. I also respect this sport for the self-discipline which is important in everyday life..
Even though diving is not very related to coaching I would like to mention it. Diving is my childhood dream which came true. From an early age I was amazed of watching documentaries about marine live. Especially guys like Andy Casagrande, Rob Stewart, Steve Irwin, David Attenborough got me really into it! I've first got underwater when I was 11 years old in the Canary Islands and my desire to pursue this sport just multiplied many times. I really got seriously into diving at university where I chose it as one of the main subjects and devoted myself to it throughout my whole studies. I am now a certified divemaster and sometimes I help to my instructor with courses OWD and AOWD - which is actualy closely relates with coaching people.
Back to the GYM. After approximately six years of exercising in the GYM and my rich sport past I joined the BBC Fitness as a personal trainer in 2010. It was a great 10 years of providing my services, developing myself and meeting a lot of inspiring people..
I continue my journey with my lovely wife in our NEW IQ GYM in Vysoký Újezd.
Now my focus is on nutrition and its positive impact on our health. Above all, I try to change the overall view of a bad lifestyle and show everyone the right alternative and find a balance. Eliminate stress, have enough sleep, develop regular physical activity and understand the basic principles of eating and the principles of the human body - that's what I consider as the basic pillars of the healthy lifestyle.
We live only once and we also have only one body. So why people rather destroy it with their bad habits when they could find and use its huge potential to be strong and heathy..
2008 - 2011
FTVS UK, Praha
Obor/specializace: TVS - tělovýchova a sport/specializace - tenis, potápění
2004 - 2008
Klasické Gymnázium Modřany, Praha
Obor/specializace: všeobecné
zakončeno maturitou
Kurzy a školení:
Rekvalifikační kurz N.A.P.C. (National Academy of Physical Culture)
- trenér kulturistiky a fitness sportů
8.6.2009 - 12.6.2009
Název kurzu/školení: Kurz potápění
Certifikát: Basic Scuba Diver
Bronze Degree, CMAS*
27.03.2009 - 05.04.2009
Český tenisový svaz
Název kurzu/školení: Školení trenérů III.třídy
Certifikát: Trenér 3.třídy
2009 – Lyžařský kurz (FTVS UK)
2009 – Kurz první pomoci (FTVS UK)
2013 – SSI AOWD, Specialty diver (Navigation, Deep diving, Wreck diving, Nitrox, Stress and Rescue)
2014 – SSI Divemaster
Odborný kurz: Zdravá záda
- funkce CORE a jeho složení,
FACE CZECH, s.r.o.
Klasická relaxační masáž, Dexter Academy
Odborný kurz: Dynamické vyšetření pohybového aparátu,
FACE CZECH, s.r.o.
Workshop - Silový trénink (IMPROVE ACADEMY)
- pokročilé techniky dřepu a mrtvého tahu
- trhy, nadhozy a přidružené cviky
Workshop - Pánevní dno (IMPROVE ACADEMY)
- pánevní dno z pohledu metody DNS a Mojžíšové
Workshop - Triggerpointy (IMPROVE ACADEMY)
- funkční vs. strukturální poruchy pohyb. aparátu
- jejich vzájemné ovlivňování a řetězení
- trigger pointy - vznik, druhy a vliv na bolest
Odborný kurz: Dosažení naturálního maxima (IMV)
- tréninkové postupy pro maximální svalovou hypertrofii,
- principy progresivního přetížení
- periodizace silového tréninku
- výživa pro maximální stimulaci proteosyntézy
Odborný kurz: Moderní výživa (IMV)
- informační chaos ve výživě
- lepek ve výživě zdravých lidí
- konzumace mléčných výrobků
- veganské mýty o mase
- palmový a kokosový olej
- umělá sladidla a GMO
- personalizace výživy
- pyramida moderní výživy a modré zóny
Konference: Československá evidence-based konference o výživě (IMV)
- výživa a dlouhověkost (Mgr.Ing.Tereza Vágnerová)
- výživa dětí jako sportovců (MUDr. Marie Skalská)
- výživa u obézních lidí (Ing.Bc. Lukáš Roubík)
- rostlinná vs. živočišná strava (Miloslav Šindelář)
- bílkoviny a jejich benefity (Bc. Sandra Schmidová)
- weight loss maintenance (Danny Lennon, MSc.)
- microbiom (Dr. Gabrielle Fundaro, CISSN, CHC)